Prior post presented images taken in Nashville. This post has two from Nashville and photos taken in six other cities.
Welcome to America, 1942-1943
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Vultee Aircraft - Nashville, Tn. - 1942
A.C. Gilbert Company, New Haven, Ct. - Feb 1942
"Stephanie Cewe's skill with this electric screwdriver has been turned to the aid of Uncle Sam's war machine. Stephanie used to assemble toy locomotives; today, she uses the same screwdriver to assemble parachute flare casings." Photo by Howard Hollem, Office of War Information.
Douglas Aircraft, Long Beach, Ca. - Oct 1942
"Women are trained as engine mechanics in thorough Douglas training methods." Alfred Palmer, Office of War Information.
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Corpus Christi, Texas. - Aug 1942
"Mrs. Eloise J. Ellis, senior supervisor in the Assembly and Repairs Department of the Naval Air Base, talking with one of the men." Howard Hollem.
Douglas Aircraft, Long Beach, California - Oct 1942.
"Women are trained to do precise and vital engine installation detail in Douglas Aircraft Co. plants." Alfred Palmer for the Office of War Information.
Heil & Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Feb 1943
"Agnes Cliemka, age 23, husband may be going into the service any day. Agnes used to work in a department store. Checking fuel hose on gasoline trailer before it is turned over to the Air Force." Howard Hollem.
Chain Belt Company, Milwaukee, Wis. - Feb 1943
"Mrs. Mary Betchner measuring 105mm howitzers at the Milwaukee, Wisconsin, plant of the Chain Belt Company. Her son is in the Army; her husband and daughter are in war work." Howard Hollem for the Office of War Information.
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North American Aviation, Inglewood, Ca -1942
Riveting team working on the cockpit shell of a C-47 heavy transport at North American Aviation. "The versatile C-47 performs many important tasks for the Army. It ferries men and cargo across the oceans and mountains, tows gliders and brings paratroopers and their equipment to scenes of action." Alfred Palmer for the Office of War Information.
Douglas Aircraft, Long Beach, Ca. - Oct 1942
"Girl riveting machine operator at the Douglas Aircraft Company plant joins sections of wing ribs to reinforce the inner wing assemblies of B-17F heavy bombers." Alfred Palmer for the Office of War Information.
Consolidated Aircraft, Fort Worth, Tx - Oct 1942
Riveter at work on a bomber. Howard Hollem.
Consolidated Aircraft, Fort Worth, Tx.- Oct 1942
Lathe operator machining parts for transport planes. Howard Hollem, Office of War Information.
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Vultee Aircraft, Nashville, Tn. - Feb 1943
Readying a "Vengeance" dive bomber for landing gear installation. Alfred Palmer.
Douglas Aircraft, Long Beach, Ca. - Oct 1942
Engine installers. Alfred Palmer.
Images without captions: Library of Congress
Images with captions: Shorpy
Excellent shots! Bit startling to see them in color, tho'.